November 13, 2007

Piglet's Preserves Adventure

Piglet's fondness of mushrooms was typical. Back in home Europe, grown-up pigs loved larger, rather more smelly and more prominent mushrooms. Back in home Europe, there were lots of those.


But since Piglet had moved to a forest just east of Alaskan coast, he had to subsist on whatever the nearby town's stores had.

And mushrooms there were.

Yet one tragic day, a flood destroyed the county's mushroom farm.

So the local seller had to stock imports.

Mexican mushrooms.

Overjoyed after a long break with no mushrooms, Piglet bought a few jars.


Then he'd popped open a couple.

He decided to try one for taste, just to make sure those were real mushrooms.

Then another one.

Then a third one.

And then the very hot taste of jalapeno, marinated with mushrooms and carrot bits, came off within his mouth.

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