November 13, 2007

Piglet's Preserves Adventure

Piglet's fondness of mushrooms was typical. Back in home Europe, grown-up pigs loved larger, rather more smelly and more prominent mushrooms. Back in home Europe, there were lots of those.


But since Piglet had moved to a forest just east of Alaskan coast, he had to subsist on whatever the nearby town's stores had.

And mushrooms there were.

Yet one tragic day, a flood destroyed the county's mushroom farm.

So the local seller had to stock imports.

Mexican mushrooms.

Overjoyed after a long break with no mushrooms, Piglet bought a few jars.


Then he'd popped open a couple.

He decided to try one for taste, just to make sure those were real mushrooms.

Then another one.

Then a third one.

And then the very hot taste of jalapeno, marinated with mushrooms and carrot bits, came off within his mouth.

November 02, 2007

Winnie.rtf (English translation)

Winnie-the-Pooh woke up in the middle of the night. Randomly? Not.

So it seemed (actually, that is what humans had made a habit of: they say "...seemed"; in reality, he belonged - not randomly at all).

Muttering, gathering speed, at last, singing - his favourite mutter-song - "Hackers in the Night" - the bear-cub stepped (or rather, stamped) close to the modem.

The modem was joggling lights like a Christmas tree.

Winnie stared at the modem, gaze unmoving, for a small eternity. About half a minute of clock time elapsed.

The bear-cub approached his workstation (called "Hunnybunny", an old SGI Octane, bought at a sale on lucky occasion, expenses split with Rabbit).

Were they being scanned, or? Or were the numerous Rabbit's relatives planning to visit them?

He booted up a sniffer.

Packets started dropping into the window, one after another. Right on - letter headers.

"Might any one of them bring at least a small honey jar?" - thought the bear-cub.

"Although, almost all of Rabbit's relatives were two-three times his tall, or even smaller than that."

Piglet used to be happy when the numerous yet courteous Rabbit kinsfolk came, leaped and dragged themselves to visit. Usually at least someone brought acorns; not that many, but of rare kinds, of which there weren't any in the forest.

"Yet honey they won't deal with. Especially with bees they won't."

With those thoughts on his mind, Winnie-the-Pooh typed "shutdown -t 0 -l" on his special (increased-button-size) keyboard.

Oak-and-honey-paint-finish Octane started leaping across the runlevels, turning off daemons.

Winnie sighed, left his old mail server gathering letters, and dragged himself to the kitchen.

April 08, 2007


Винни-Пух проснулся среди ночи. Случайно? Нет.

Так ему показалось (собственно, это люди привыкли говорить "показалось" - на самом деле - он был причастен - не случайно).

Бормоча, разгоняясь, уже напевая - любимую бормоталку - "Хакеры в ночи", медведь подошел (точнее, подтопал) к модему.

Модем играл огнями, как Рождественская ель.

Винни просмотрел на модем, не отрывая взгляда, маленькую вечность. Прошло где-то полминуты часового времени.

Медвежонок подошел к своей рабочей станции (по имени "Hunnybunny", старому SGI Octane, купленному по случаю на распродаже вскладчину с Кроликом).

Их сканировали, или? Или это многочисленная родня Кролика собиралась в гости?

Запустил нюхач.

В окне посыпались пакеты, один за другим. Так и есть - заголовки писем.

"Может, кто-то из них притащит хоть баночку меда?" - подумал медвежонок.

"Правда, почти вся родня Кролика раза в два-три меньше его ростом, а то и того мельче."

Пятачок обычно бывал счастлив, когда вся многочисленная, но вежливая родня Кролика приходила, прискакивала и приезжала волоком в гости. Обычно хоть кто-то, но приносил желуди - немного, но редких сортов, каких в Лесу не было.

"Но мед им не под силу. А особенно пчелы.'

Так, размышляя, Винни-Пух впечатал на своей особой (большекнопочной) клавиатуре команду shutdown -t 0 -l .

Окрашенный в дубово-медовые тона Octane поскакал по runlevels, выключая демоны.

Винни вздохнул, оставил старый почтовый сервер подбирать письма, и поплелся на кухню.